Campervan Wall Table Neighbours Knocked Down Wall - Who Is Responsible?
Neighbours knocked down wall - who is responsible? - campervan wall table
The boundary wall of our garden and our neighbors of the property has been damaged by them when they moved their mobile home.
The wall extends from the side of the house (which is actually an extension of the wall between our garden and the kitchen!) The damage is on their side, but it means "hole" that we can now see the garden, in your! - We received a letter from the Council!
ask a lawyer as soon as possible, if not satisfied.
First you have struck into the wall. Get several shots from both sides. If possible, a photograph was taken of the damage to the adjacent trailer.
Then you must write a letter to the neighbors and sent by registered mail with return receipt requested. The letter should be polite and firm.
Dear neighbors,
I received a letter from the Council regarding the damaged wall that separates our lawn. You are out that immediate corrective action measures to ensure that our region remains safe and well taken. I wrote a short reply explaining that the damage to your property. It is my hope that you can quickly solve the problem with the Council and I have to take any other action.
Then you need to write a letter to the council and explain politely but firmly that the damage was caused by a neighbor and he will not accept responibility the fine that may arise. Include a copy of the letter to his neighbors and make copies of the images (pictures that are on your side and who are his).
Finally, a copy of the Photgraphs, writing and receiving e-mail (stating believes that his neighbor, in fact, your letter should be signed.) These documents must protect both parties should try to put the blame on you.
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